Pastors' Wives' Renewal

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.
1 Chronicles 16:34

Gift Certificates

Looking for a unique gift? Want to help the wife of a pastor join us for a Renewal?

Gift certificates can be used for Renewal Registrations or to purchase items on the PWR Retail Therapy page.

Renewals are opportunities for fun and faith.

Renewals are for Christian women (whose husbands happen to be pastors) of varying ages, gifts, and backgrounds to encourage one another, build faith and friendships, and receive support when needed.
All soon-to-be, current, and retired or widowed pastors' wives are invited to join us, as well as staff ministers' wives.

Hood River, OR - September 19-20, 2014

Nemo, SD - October 2-4, 2014

Give a Gift Certificate

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