Pastors' Wives' Renewal

Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:15-16

Ministry Support

  • PWR is a personal ministry of Mrs. Valerie Johnson, wife of Pastor Joe Johnson.
  • Valerie Johnson is currently working toward creating a national committee to help expand the ministry that PWR can do.
  • The WELS Committee on Adult Discipleship and acts as liaison to the Conference of Presidents.
  • PWR is supported by the WELS Women's Ministry Committee through their sponsorship and promotion. Many pastors' wives are leaders in their congregations through their role as pw and in their own faith, lives, and spiritual gifts. Encouraging them as Christian women and spiritual leaders is a shared goal of the Women's Ministry Committee and PWR.
  • Funding is provided through personal gifts and donations. Registration fees for Renewals and other PWR events only partially cover event expenses.

Pastors' Wives' Renewal is supported entirely by gifts of love from God's people. Funds are used to produce materials & supplement event costs to encourage women who are married to WELS & ELS pastors. Thank you for your support and encouragement.

Encouraging support and spiritual refreshment amongst wives of pastors in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and Evangelical Lutheran Synod.

A Christian woman has been blessed with unique talents, strengths, joys and struggles. She is called to love her Father in heaven and share His grace and mercy with those she meets. She is called to set an example in her life and faith. When her husband is a pastor, being a shepherd is his calling; but her faith, love, and life have a direct influence on his ability to minister and care for those in his flock. As Satan used Eve to bring Adam's fall (and her own); so Satan can bring his strongest attacks against a pastor's wife and family. The best defense is a strong commitment to God's Word and to be surrounded by a family of believers supported by the Holy Spirit.

Mission Statement
Supporting PWR
Ministry Planning

WELSlogo PWR is a part of:
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
WELS Women's Ministry Committee